Division H Speakers Bureau

Application Form


Please complete and return to:   Herbert Lee, Speakers Bureau Co-ordinator

                                                   GPO Box 882 ¡V Hong Kong

                                                   Tel/Fax:  (853) 881-073

                                                   Email: herbert@idea4u.com


P l e a s e  P r i n t  C l e a r l y                                      (Date received______________________)    




Postal Address:___________________________________________________________________________


Accomplishments /Special Interests_____________________________________________________________



I wish to participate in the Speaker¡¦s Bureau as a:

q Level One speaker. In this role, I will give prepared speeches to outside organizations to promote Toastmasters to the general public.


q Level Two speaker. I have the following presentations ready.

                                    Speech 1                                                                      Speech 2


Subject:            _______________________                                      _________________________


Title:                 _______________________                                      __________________________


Length:             _______________________                                      __________________________


Summary:         _______________________                                      __________________________


                        _______________________                                      __________________________


                        _______________________                                      ___________________________


Other Subjects Available______________________________________________________________



Preferred Speaking Times:___________________                 

Times Unavailable_________________________

Preferred Geographical Area:__________________________________________________________




Are you available on short notice to talk about                           q Toastmasters in Division H

                                                                                                            q Your Speech # 1

                                                                                                            q Your Speech # 2

Division H Speakers Bureau

Request Form


Please complete and return to:   Herbert Lee, Speakers Bureau Co-ordinator

                                                   GPO Box 882 ¡V Hong Kong

                                                   Tel/Fax:  (853) 881-073

                                                   Email: herbert@idea4u.com


P l e a s e   P r i n t   C l e a r l y


Name:____________________________________________________________________________        Your Organization'sName_____________________________________________________________

Tel:(res)__________________________(bus)______________________ (mobile)________________

Postal Address:____________________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________________________________


Please note:  The Toastmasters registered with this speakers bureau offer competent and professional quality speeches. They do this to help attract new members to Toastmasters; to complete requirements for advancement in Toastmasters; and for the joy of speaking in public.


By Toastmasters International Rules, our speakers can not charge for speeches that are arranged for them through the Division H Speakers Bureau.  However, that does not preclude them from accepting  any honourarium or being compensated for reasonable travel expenses.  We leave these arrangements entirely to you and the Toastmaster.


Once you have returned this form to the Speakers Bureau Co-ordinator, your request will be acknowledged within three working days.  If a speaker is available who meets your requirements, they will contact you directly.  If you do not hear from your speaker, or if you have any questions, contact the Speakers Bureau Co-ordinator immediately by calling  (853) 881-073.


So, tell us how can we serve you:


We're looking for a:                  master of ceremonies (specify event) __________________________

                                                a keynote speaker (topic)____________________________________

                                                a motivational speech (topic) _________________________________

                                                an inspirational speech (topic)_________________________________

                                                an informational speech (topic) _______________________________

                                                a training speech (topic) _____________________________________

                                                other (specify) ____________________________________________


Length of speech:________________________          Number in attendance: __________________

Date: __________________________________       Location;_______________________________

Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________



Division H Speakers Bureau

Evaluation Form


Please complete and return to:   Herbert Lee, Speakers Bureau Co-ordinator

                                                   GPO Box 882 ¡V Hong Kong

                                                   Tel/Fax:  (853) 881-073

                                                   Email: herbert@idea4u.com


P l e a s e  P r i n t  C l e a r l y



Tel:(res)_________________________(bus)_____________________ (mobile)__________________

Postal Address___________________________________________________________________________


Your Toastmaster Club (name & number)________________________________________________



Tell us about your speaking engagement:


When: ___________________________                   Where______________________________


To Whom:________________________                    Contact________________(tel)___________


Your Topic:_______________________                    Time:__________________


Your Evaluation: (remarks) ___________________________________________________________







Would you do it again:_____________            Any changes we should remember__________________


Was this a manual talk?____________  If so, what speech does this fulfill:_____________________

Is there another opportunity to speak to this group:_________________________________________



Congratulations and thanks from your fellow Toastmasters in Division H


Division H Speaker's Bureau


Are You Ready For The Next Step In Your Toastmaster Experience?


Someday, someone outside of Toastmasters is going to ask you if you would be willing to give a speech. That day could be today. If you are an experienced Toastmaster who has attained their CTM or who has had professional speaking experience, you are eligible to register with the Division H Speakers Bureau.


The Speakers Bureau is open to all Division H Toastmasters who have attained CTM or above.  If you're comfortable speaking in your club and are ready for the next challenge, the Speaker's Bureau is for you!  


Mission of the Speakers Bureau


¡±         Market Toastmaster Speakers

¡±         Educate through public speaking

¡±         Promote Toastmasters as a public service opportunity available to all  


Here's how it works: Fill out a speaker's registration form (available from this year's speakers bureau co-ordinator Herbert Lee ; Phone/ Fax 853-881-073, Email: herbert@idea4u.com) and return it to the co-ordinator. The speakers bureau co-ordinator will keep your registration on file.


We are currently spreading the word that Division H's speakers bureau is open for business and requests are coming in!


Fast Start: To get our Speaker¡¦s Bureau off to a fast start, we have two ¡§levels¡¨ of participation:


1. Level one ¡V speakers are given a prepared speech (similar to Better Speaker Series or  Successful Club Series). You can modify and adapt the presentation to your taste if you like ¡V however, the basic message is to help promote Division H. Level One speakers can expect some specialized training and may be asked to be evaluated before giving their first presentation in public. Level One allows more people to participate in the Speaker¡¦s Bureau ¡V it¡¦s a great way to see if speaking in public is for you!


2. Level two ¡V speakers have at least two presentations of a high quality level ready to present. The Speaker¡¦s Bureau acts as a clearing house and finds suitable occasions where speakers have the opportunity to speak to the general public. Some specialized training will be given to level two speakers.


Other speaking opportunities such as emcee, keynotes, workshops, etc will become available as the Speaker¡¦s Bureau reputation becomes more widely known.


You may choose to apply for either or both levels of participation. To insure the overall quality of the Speaker¡¦s Bureau, you will be screened by a committee to determine your suitability. Members of the Speaker¡¦s Bureau will be listed on an annual basis and subject to annual review.


Please be advised that all speaking engagements arranged by the district speakers bureau are offered as a service of Toastmasters International and no payment, aside from expenses or a small honorarium, can be accepted.


Speakers Availability


As customers are the final decision makers about whom they wish to have come and represent the Speakers Bureau, we cannot promise to find speaking engagements for everyone.


Anyone wishing to register for the speakers bureau should have at least one speech ready to go (Two would be better). The co-ordinator will attempt to offer you speaking opportunities which most closely match your skills and experience.


Other Toastmaster districts and divisions are currently running very active speakers bureaus. Our division is gathering speed and we expect to get busier as we continue to offer professional, entertaining and competent speakers to other groups and organizations which request them.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Herbert Lee, the speakers bureau co-ordinator for more information.